Sealers Stories is an ongoing webcomic that centres around the adventures of a group of teenagers as their lives are turned upside down. The story encompasses a large cast and how they are all affected by the events of the story, but the focus is always on the core cast of Alex, Vicky, Brad, Ted, Sam, Kelly and Jet.

Background and History

Sealers Stories is an amalgamation of various stories, characters and ideas I’ve had for comics for a long time. Some of the characters go as far back as when I was around ten years old.

When does the comic update?

I currently aim to update Sealers Stories on a bi-weekly basis, alternating with my other webcomic W.I.S.P.A.

Can I support the comic?

You can! By supporting me on Patreon, you can not only get early access to comics, special commentary and bonus artwork, you will also allow me to cut back on other work to focus on my comics, which means more updates!

Are your two comics connected?

The two comics are independent in terms of story and characters, meaning you can read one without missing out on anything. However there may be some minor overlapping elements at a distant point in the future…